Ausgabe 98/2025

Die (mehrfach) einseitigen Wege der Spracherwerbsforschung und ihre Folgen für die Sprachenpolitik

Verena Blaschitz/Wolfgang U. Dressler

The article deals with the (multiple) one-sided paths of language acquisition research in the institutional (Austrian) research landscape. Along with prominent trends in language acquisition research, namely research on foreign or second language acquisition among adolescents or adults as well as successive and simultaneous bilingual acquisition in different constellations, we show that research efforts have long continued to focus on foreign or second language acquisition among adolescents or adults as well as the transferring of findings gained from this for so-called practice onto other fields. We conclude that simultaneous bilingual language acquisition is the least researched - with consequences for research and policy, which we will address at the end of our article.

Schlagwörter: Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft, Spracherwerbsforschung, Mehrsprachenerwerb, Sprachenpolitik