Ausgabe 73/2006
Morphonotaktik im Schwedischen
Dagmar Schadler
Starting from the description of the phonotactics and the morphology of Swedish it will be discussed how the affixes influence the structure of consonant clusters. I will analyse the markedness of the clusters according to the B&B-model of Dziubalska-Kolaczyk (2002). It will be the aim of this article to demonstrate how the advantages of B&B can help to explain phonotactic structures and to point out which questions about Swedish morphontactics still need to be answered. The lists of the doubles, triples and four member clusters, both with and without a morpheme boundary, provide the background for the analysis. In the end, the different types of repairing processes (epenthesis, reduction, weakening) which occur in Swedish will be discussed.
Morphonotaktik bei Konsonantengruppen im Portugiesischen
Tanja Schwarzinger
This paper investigates the relationship between phonotactic and morphonotactic phenomena in Portuguese. It is commonly assumed that morphological borders are marked by specific phonological and prosodic structures, mainly because this results in heightened transparency of complex morphological structures. It is thus to be expected that phonotactic constraints can be put out of effect at morphological borders. The present paper aims to determine whether marked clusters exist at morpheme borders by analyzing consonant groups in Portuguese and their distribution.
Erfassung der gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität in der ÄrztIn-PatientIn-Interaktion
Sabine Nezhiba
As each person can understand the essence of “quality of life” differently, it seems necessary to comprehend a given patient’s perception in the process of medical diagnosis and therefore pay great attention to his or her reports and narrations. On that account the assessment by interview can be assumed to be more adequate than the use of a questionnaire. The fact that in medical practice primarily questionnaires are applied can be seen in a larger context of a general loss of communication in doctor-patient-interaction. For the purposes of this paper, an interview for patient-oriented assessment of health related quality of life was designed so as to satisfy both doctors’ and patients’ requirements. The interview was furthermore tested on patients and the information given by patients was compared to the data from the questionnaires. It was thus possible to point out a set of advantages of this form of interview assessment over the more common use of questionnaires.
Proposing Morphonotactics
Wolfgang U. Dressler & Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kolaczyk
In this contribution we propose the establishment of morphonotactics as a subpart of morphonology based on previous research in morphonology, Natural Morphology and Natural Phonology, notably the Beats-and-Binding model of phonotactics. Our area of investigation concerns consonant clusters. Focusing on morphonotactics in English (5.1.), German (5.2.), Italian (5.3.) and Polish (5.4.), we establish a gradient continuum between morphonotactics and phonotactics and investigate the impact of morphological and phonological typology on cross-linguistic differences in the number and nature of morphonotactic clusters.
The Acquisition of Morphonotactics in Lithuanian
Laura Kamandulyte
This study introduces a new approach to the acquisition of Lithuanian morphology and phonotactics and analyses the interaction of the phonotactics of consonant clusters with morphology (morpheme boundaries) in first language acquisition.
When analysing the acquisition of morphonotactics, all consonant clusters were divided into several categories: initial, medial and final consonant clusters and consonant clusters within a morpheme and within a morpheme boundary. These groups of consonant clusters are analysed in the child’s language.
Some consonant clusters in the child’s language like lb, mb, mp are produced without any problems. But other clusters like sk, nt, st are not always acquired by a child that easily. The analysis of these clusters has shown that it is easier for the child to acquire the clusters when they are across morpheme boundaries. Thus the development of acquisition of marked phonology depends on the acquisition of morphology.