Ausgabe 96/2024
Gendersensible Sprache im Fremdsprachenunterricht Deutsch: Aktuelle Befunde aus Lehrmaterialien
Nathalie Stummer
German masculine personal nouns, which are widely used as gender-inclusive or generic forms of reference, are not always understood as such. ‘Gender-sensitive language’ attempts to create equality by referring to persons either through gender-neutral participles (Studierende) or gender-inclusive nouns (Student*innen). This has consequences for learners of German. This paper sheds light on the question whether contemporary teaching materials for German use gender-sensitive language and if so, how? A quantitative and qualitative corpus analysis of teaching resources reveals that groups and individuals are predominantly referred to by generic masculine forms, while there is an increase of gender-neutral participles. The resources lack explanations on the use of gender-sensitive language, which makes it inaccessible to language learners.
Schlagwörter: Gendersensible Sprache, Korpusstudie, Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Fremdsprachendidaktik
›Dialekt‹-Handel(n): Indexikalität und soziale Registrierung von ›Dialekt‹ am Beispiel der bedruckten Kleidung eines österreichischen Onlineshops
Susanna Muhr
This article studies printed t-shirts with ‘dialect’ designs by analyzing corresponding metapragmatic practices. The first thesis, adopted from Barbara Johnstone, views social registration processes both as a prerequisite for and a consequential outcome of such products; the second thesis assumes that sellers and buyers position themselves through such socially recognized ‘dialect’ usage. To reveal this interplay, the study uses Jürgen Spitzmüller’s model of metapragmatic stancetaking for analyzing T-shirt designs, website, and Facebook content from a popular Austrian online store. By referring to the motif of ‘textile vocabulary learning’ the article thus demonstrates how both sellers and buyers position themselves and others by realizing ‘dialect’ in a dual process of internalization and outward manifestation.
Schlagwörter: ›Dialekt‹-T-Shirts, soziale Registrierung, metapragmatische Positionierung
Inwiefern drückt die Partikel -Abil im Türkischen eine Möglichkeit aus?
Muzaffer Malkoç
-Abil is a complex particle used to form verbal compounds. In the compound, it changes the meaning of the main verb in various ways, so that the meaning of the sentence can be interpreted as ability, possibility and permission. The extent to which -Abil expresses a possibility depends entirely on the tense suffix. In this paper, we examined various -Abil sentences with the different tense suffixes and found that the meaning of possibility emerges from the tense suffix -er. Accordingly, a sentence such as Erzurum'da yaz mavsiminde kar yağabilir ‘It may snow in Erzurum in summer’ expresses a possibility, that is, it is possible for it to snow in Erzurum in summer. In contrast, a sentence like Erzurum‘da yaz mevsiminde kar yağabiliyor ‘It can snow in Erzurum in summer’ should be interpreted as a fact, in others words, at some point or somewhere it is the case that it is snowing.
Schlagwörter: Bedeutung, Möglichkeit, Tempussuffix, Türkisch