Ausgabe 94/2023

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Antisemitische Topoi im digitalen Aktivismus: Der Israel-Palästina-Konflikt auf Instagram

Laura Levstock

During the violent outbreaks of the Israel-Palestine-conflict in May 2021, two extreme opinions took a very strong stand on various social media platforms. For instance, on the visual-based platform Instagram, where a particular cartoon was posted and shared multi­ple times. This cartoon, consisting of ten images, seeks to explain the conflict from one perspective, defending and supporting the pro-Palestinian side. As the conflict was transported to social media, the reproduction of antisemitic posts increased. As a case in point, I will examine the cartoon for antisemitic topoi in this article. The relevance of this analysis is to reveal the (often hidden) reproduction of antisemitism on social media, particularly when considering the problematic situation in the Middle East. Furthermore, this article will highlight the relevance of the sparseness of linguistic analysis of political activism on social media, especially on Instagram.

Schlagwörter: Antisemitismus, digitaler Aktivismus, Topoi


»Des reine Hochdeutsch bring ich net zamm.« Lautliche Merkmale des Regionalakzents im Ostfränkischen

Jeffrey Pheiff / Tillmann Pistor

We investigate the consonant and vowel inventories as well as unstres­sed syllables in the spoken Standard German of speakers from the East Franconian dialect region in the German states of Thuringia and Bavaria. Using a sub-corpus of speech samples from »Regional­ (REDE)« with speech data for two generations of speakers from four towns, we document the features, investigate whether these features are dialect reflexes, and give an overview of their salience. In total, we find 23 regional features, most of which are given a moderate to high degree of subjective dialectality in listeners’ judgments. Further­more, our analysis shows that consonant and syllable pheno­mena are geographically distributed along Upper and Lower East Franconian lines, suggesting an influence of the Steigerwald­schranke on the regio­nal accent.

Schlagwörter: Ostfränkisch, Regionalakzent, Phonetik, Phono­logie, Dialektologie, Salienz


Das Kinderinterview – eine Methodenreflexion

Maria Weichselbaum

The inclusion of children’s perspectives in the research process remains rare. One reason for this could be the lack of reflection on adequate methodological approaches. This paper addresses the research gap of interviews with children by methodically examining five interviews conducted on the topic of language and linguistic action in kindergarten. For this purpose, the state of knowledge of research methods about interviews with children is first outlined. Afterwards, the conduct of the interviews is outlined, and new findings are discussed in a methodological reflection. It is shown that initial stimuli are useful for interviews with children and that even young children provide answers to complex question content. Of relevance are, on the one hand, the type and diversity of the questions and, on the other hand, the interviewer’s behavior, which changes the child’s response behavior.

Schlagwörter: Kinderinterviews, Kindergartenkinder, Methodenreflexion, Kindheitsforschung


Citizen Science goes Sprachwissenschaft: Das Projekt ›VisibLL – Schüler*innen erforschen die (un)übersehbare Mehrsprachigkeit der Wiener Linguistic Landscape‹

Barbara Soukup / Elissa Pustka / Lisa Krammer / Sophia Seereiner

The project 'VisibLL – High school students explore the (in)visible multilingualism of the Viennese Linguistic Landscape' is discussed to show how citizen science can be fruitfully applied within linguistics. VisibLL focuses on socio-contextual and linguistic patterns of written multilingualism in Viennese public space. We outline our research focus, goals and strategies, the data collection app Lingscape, parti­ci­pants, activities to date, as well as early results and outcomes. We pre­view upcoming activities and position our project within citizen science at large.

Schlagwörter: Linguistic Landscape, Citizen Science, Multi­lin­gu­a­lism, Didactics, Vienna, Schools


On being bimbo: Digitally mediated persona construction on TikTok

Carina Lozo

Der Begriff »Bimbo« ist im englischsprachigen Raum ein bekanntes Pejorativ für dümmlich naive, aber attraktive Frauen. Ein Internet­phänomen auf der Social-Media-Plattform TikTok, das bimbo-movement, schreibt diesem Begriff jedoch eine neue Bedeutung zu. Durch Persiflage und eine spezifische Ästhetik übernimmt diese Bewegung den Begriff »Bimbo«, befreit ihn von seinen negativen Konnotationen und deutet ihn feministisch um. Mit einer multi­mo­dalen Inhaltsanalyse untersuche ich die komplexen semiotischen Mittel, durch die eine Bimbo-Persona auf TikTok konstruiert wird. Die Analyse zeigt damit sowohl die Wirkmächtigkeit als auch deren Grenzen auf, die ein strategischer Einsatz von Satire und die Ver­knüpfung von Weiblichkeit mit linken politischen Idealen innerhalb eines feministischen Diskurses entfalten können.

Schlagwörter: Identity construction, multimodal content analysis, TikTok, bimbo, feminist discourse, social media, gender stereotypes



Christine Czinglar

Brizić, Katharina. 2022. Der Klang der Ungleichheit: Biografie, Bildung und Zusammenhalt in der vielsprachigen Gesellschaft. Münster: Waxmann. 314 Seiten, broschiert, 39,90 €. ISBN 978-3-8309-4594-9 314. Open Access:





Themenheft 93/2022


Hg. v. Martin Reisigl

»Absolut unnötig« oder »wichtig für Gleichstellung«? – Argumente und Motivationen für und gegen geschlechtergerechten Sprachgebrauch. Eine quantitative und qualitative Diskursanalyse

Christoph Oscar Hofbauer

Gender-fair language is a topic that has been discussed extensively both among linguists and non-linguists. In this context, universities play a crucial role, because they combine research perspectives with everyday language use and function as role models for the society. Hence, this paper presents and discusses the results of three surveys conducted at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. After an overview of the relevant literature, the paper analyses quantitative and qualitative data from a total of 1,915 participants (students and employees), identifies contradictory positions and sheds light on current competing discourses in the field of gender-fair and anti-discriminatory (German) language. As a conclusion, awareness-raising measures are recommended for a language that is seen as a powerful tool that can contribute to more gender equality.

Schlagwörter: Geschlechtergerechte Sprache, Gendern, Genderlingu­istik, Soziolinguistik


»Ich frage mich, in was für einer Gesellschaft wollen wir leben?« - Eine Kritische Diskursanalyse der Reaktionen auf Nina Prolls Facebook-Post zu #MeToo in österreichischen Printmedien

Katharina Meissl/Edna Imamović/Zahra HosseiniKhoo

In October 2017, the Austrian actress Nina Proll published a Facebook post, criticizing the #MeToo campaign and its participants for ›weakening women‹. The post instigated supportive and critical reactions. This Critical Discourse Study analyzes the reactions to Proll’s post in six Austrian newspapers between October 25th 2017, and March 31st, 2018. It sheds light on argumentative patterns in the Austrian discourse on #MeToo. The analysis reveals (i) diverse representations of Proll through personal and professional attributions; (ii) ambiguous definitions of sexual harassment, (iii) the reproduction of myths about sexual violence.

Schlagwörter: #MeToo, sexuelle Gewalt, Kritische Diskurs-analyse, Argumentationsanalyse, österreichische Printmedien


»elendig vs. »liab« – Gender in der Fankultur: Eine Analyse von Forumsbeiträgen zu den Fußball-Europameis-terschaften 2016 und 2017

Anna Winkler

This article investigates differences in nominations and predications in the discourse of men’s and women’s football. 5241 postings have been analys-ed following the Discourse-Historical Approach and studied with respect to linguistic discrimination on the basis of gender identity. The postings show differences in the reception of football-related incidents. They relate less to the actors’ gender than to the relationship users experience when dealing with the actors. This discrepancy may link to the respective distan-ce or closeness to the referenced object. Strong utterances of critique, in-sults and abusive language are rather used if the subject is a popular male player, and they are becoming more frequent with the popularity of female players. Apart from that, males and females are treated similarly.

Schlagwörter: Kritische Diskursanalyse, Genderlinguistik, Fußball-Europameisterschaft, Social Media, Genderstereotypen



Die Schweiz ohne Frauen regieren: Eine Argumentationsanalyse zur Einführung des Frauenstimm- und Frauenwahlrechts in der Schweiz

Jacqueline Schmid

It was not until February 1971 that women in Switzerland gained the right to vote, elect and be elected at federal level. A vote by the male population was in favor of equal political rights for both sexes. In the first federal vote on women’s suffrage in 1959, a male majority pre-vented this step from being taken. An analysis of the Federal Council’s message on the first referendum proposal shows how little persuasive power and willingness for change there was in 1957. The negative predication of change, the eradication of the acting subject, argumen-tative fallacies and the one-sided structure of the text resulted in a message from the Federal Council which, although in favor of women’s suffrage and women’s right to vote, had little persuasive power overall. The analysis of the arguments thus shows that this mes-sage was part of a strategy to preserve the status quo of a Switzerland governed without women.

Schlagwörter: Genderlinguistik, Argumentationsanalyse, Wiener Kri-tische Diskursanalyse, Frauenstimmrecht, Schweiz